Please feel free to learn about Storytelling Arts’ Featured Storytellers.
Summer Dawn
When I was six or seven, I spent all my time creating stories. I would make books out of printer paper, the old kind that were all stuck together at perforated edges. When the ideas flowed faster than my little hands could write, I took to the karaoke machine and told tall tales straight into its cassette recorder. Eventually, I’d learn to type and fill floppy disk upon floppy disk with chapters upon chapters about faraway lands, sorcerers, and magical creatures..
Nancy Mendez-Booth
World-class athletes use visualization to see themselves endure the miles and break through the finish line tape. I tell stories. As a kid, I made up stories to imagine a world beyond public housing and aspire for a place in that world. Stories were my shield against the bullies I encountered as a little brown nerd and the aggressions I faced as a woman.